
2024/2025 Season Entries

The following table outlines the competitions and other submissions for 2024/2025 Season.





Help and Advice

YPS uses Photo Entry to manage competitions and projects. This allows members to upload and check their submissions once the season starts and make any changes up to the moment the submission deadline passes. Judges are able to review and award directly within the software and the overhead of management of the submissions for the various committee members is vastly reduced, not to mention solving the occassional missed entries that have occurred from time to time with email based submission.

How do I submit images?

Go to Photo Entry, sign in, select the competition and follow the instructions. Alternatively, you can go straight to the competition following the link next to it in the table above.

The Leatt Cup requires a panel arrangement image to be submitted in addition to the 3 images that comprise the panel. For those using Lightroom Classic, see the short guide on how to create a panel arrangement image using it.

How to use Photo Entry

The following videos cover a number of topics to help members use Photo Entry:

Submit Early

Try to submit earlier than the deadline day to make sure you can submit. You can always revise your entries up to the submission deadline.

Submission Deadline Differs

Photo Entry is the system of record for the submission deadline. It may be the case that the submission deadline is later in Photo Entry than on the website if an extension if allowed.

I'm stuck - what can I do?

If you are struggling, get in touch with either the digital secretary or print secretary depending on the competition format, or speak to a committee member at one of the events.

Submission Rules

The rules for competitions and projects can be found below:

Competition Rules

Competition Rules have been revised for the 2022/23 season.

Project Rules

Project Rules have been revised for the 2022/23 season.

© 2024 York Photographic Society

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